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Through the valley of Oskava to the ruins of Rabštějn

Bedřichov Hájenka - Rabštejn Ruins - Bedřichov Hájenka

The ruins of Rabštejn Castle are situated in the middle of forests in the Hraběšická Highlands, 2 km north of Bedřichov, on the slope of a mountain ridge sloping down to the valley of the Oskava River. The castle was situated on two high cliffs (25 and 35 m) and at that time it was the highest castle in Moravia. Nowadays it is only possible to reach the top of the castle by ladders.


This trip starts in the mountain village of Bedřichov. We follow the red tourist sign to the intersection of Bedřichov and Hájenka. We turn left at the grove and keep going up the red road for a while, then along the forest path to the Rabštejn crossroads. From the crossroads we climb to the ruins of Rabštejn, where we can admire the views. From Rabštejn, we return to the crossroads and descend along the blue and yellow signs to the Pod Rabštejnem crossroads. Here we turn to the yellow sign down to the right and head towards the intersection of Rabštejnský potok. At the signpost we leave the yellow sign, turn right and descend along the Oskava river along the paved forest road - cycle route no. 6132 back to Bedřichov to the forest. From the forest, the red sign will lead us to the starting point in Bedřichov.


From the Skřítek motor inn (867 m) we take the green marked road behind the motor inn building, where we enter the forest and along the way we reach a paved wide forest road, which we descend to the Hvězda junction (790 m). Here we turn left and follow the red-marked forest path below Vinná hora to the meadow below Rabštejn with the former game lodge (709 m). There is a public campsite on the meadow, which is usually filled with the tents of climbers who use the local practice rocks on weekends. From the hunting lodge, we go up along the significant sign along the edge of the forest to the upper end of the meadow, where we enter the forest and climb up to the Rabštejn rocks. At the top of the upper block of rocks is the ruin of the early Gothic castle Rabštejn (803 m). We return to the campsite and continue along the blue-marked asphalt forest road. First, we descend to the Pod Rabštejnem information point (677 m), and then climb up to the main road No. 11 from Šumperk to Rýmařov. About halfway up this climb, a wooden rest stop with an interesting shape is built. Here we turn left and after two kilometers we return to the Skřítek motor inn. When traveling along the road, on the right side of the border is the national nature reserve "Rašeliniště na Skřítku".


We recommend stopping for refreshments in the cozy Rabštejn mountain hut, which offers home-made cuisine.

National Nature Reserve Rašeliniště Skřítek (except for the hiking trail on the northern border of the reserve, the reserve is not open to the public).

Climbing practice rocks of the Rabštejn ruins.


by car from the hotel to Bedřichov 24 km, Bedřichov - Rabštejn 4 km

by car from the hotel to the Skřítek motor inn 22 km, Skřítek - Rabštejn 8 km


by car from the hotel to Bedřichov 30 minutes, Bedřichov - Rabštejn 1:50 hours (on foot)

by car from the hotel to the Skřítek motor inn 25 min, Skřítek - Rabštejn 2:30 hours (on foot)








49.9479914N, 17.1500672E