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Leave your worries at the door of our relaxation and massage room.

Saunas with a view of Praděd

Our wellness area can be found on the roof of the hotel.

Every day from 16:00 to 22:00 we heat two Finnish saunas with a total capacity of 20 people. 

And from the outdoor cooling terraces you can see the ridge of Jeseníky Mountains and panorama of the town Šumperk.

Zen and done

For hotel guests and the public every day from 14:00 to 22:00
Finnish saunas
For hotel guests every day from 16:00 to 22:00
Refresh yourself with tea or cold drinks in the relaxation room.

You're in good hands here

During your visit we take it upon ourselves to reduce your physical and mental tension and increase your serotonin levels, so that life can once again play with all its colours. Here you will find not only peace, but also peace of mind

Classical massage

Classical massage

Relax, please. A classic massage to loosen muscle tension and overall body stress, improving circulation and aiding recovery. Supporting the lymphatic system, and encouraging the detoxification of the body, it can also improve performance and overall body posture.

30 minutes – partial back and neck massage

60 minutes – back, neck, upper and lower limbs massage

Massage with lava stones

Massage with lava stones

Peace and harmony. Enter a meditative state with the help of heated volcanic stones, which hold their warmth long enough for you to feel it in your bones. During the massage, the deep heat allows release of muscle tension, calms your mind, stimulates the lymphatic system and boosts circulation. It restores your energy flows, prompting the release of toxins from the body. 

The queen of massages; let a combination of hot volcanic stones and special massage techniques transport you into a state of deep relaxation. 


60 minutes

90 minutes – followed by a classic massage

Relaxing massage

Relaxing massage

Allow yourself to be enveloped by the scent of therapeutic essential oils. This massage releases muscle tension, relieves stress and enhances psychological well being, strengthens immunity, supports the digestive system and prevents infection. Our essential oils are dissolved in plant-based oil, and mixed directly before your massage. Essential oils are selected and mixed depending on the individual needs of each client. Some energise, some relax – tell us what you desire, and we’ll take care of the rest.


30 minutes – partial back and neck massage
60 minutes – back, neck, upper and lower limbs massage

Intuitive massage

Intuitive massage

The alchemy of touch. Focusing on the needs of your body and mind, this treatment is tailored according to the specific needs of each client. A variety of techniques are used throughout, from classic massage to aromatherapy, aiding in the release of tension, and harmonisation of mind, body and spirit. 

Leave the choice of technique and essential oils to our masseuse, lie back, and relax. 


60 minutes.

Hotel Perk massage

Hotel Perk massage

A special treatment, with an algal body wrap and full-body massage. A head and face massage is also included.


90 minutes

Honey detox massage with body wrap

Honey detox massage with body wrap

A proven method of traditional healing, the detoxifying effects of warm honey elevate and rejuvenate. Afterwards, your skin will be clean, soft and smooth to the touch.The massage has a wide range of uses, and can be used to support and relieve a variety of issues, including rheumatism and joint problems, insomnia, headaches, inhibited performance and vitality, and fatigue.

60 minutes

Relaxing foot massage

Relaxing foot massage

Let us fall at your feet. Our relaxing foot massage connects with the correct reflect points of your feet, resulting in harmony of the body and mind. Throughout, you will experience pain relief, decrease in stress levels, and enter a state of mental clarity and ease. With the correct therapeutic techniques, we’ll strengthen your body’s defences and get your blood flowing. 


30 minutes

Anti-stress head massage

Anti-stress head massage

We know the secret to a clear head. Relieve pain, fatigue, and stiffness in your neck and shoulders; this treatment is a balsam for your neck and facial muscles, trapezius muscle and scalp. It also improves circulation, boosting the lymphatic and vascular systems. Experience stress relief and just relax for a while - here and now.


30 minutes

Hemp massage with body wrap

Hemp massage with body wrap

Lie back and enjoy a relaxing wellness massage using pure hemp oil, followed by a body wrap. Hemp oil nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, and is hypoallergenic, making this treatment perfect for those with sensitive skin. Anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, and anti-bacterial, this massage supports the treatment of wounds, burns, psoriasis, eczema, acne, varicose veins, ulcers, swelling, and allergic reactions, as well as relaxing stiff joints, muscles, and cramps, relieving pain in problem areas. Hydrating the skin and replenishing vitamins and fatty acids, the treatment slows the appearance of ageing, restoring your glow. The following 20 minute body wrap using hemp and geranium essential oils creates an aromatherapeutic experience to calm and restore both body and mind.


60 minutes

Child massage

Child massage

Lavender or chocolate relaxation massage for children from 6 to 12 years accompanied by a parent.


30 minutes

Massage information

Book your massage using the button next to your chosen treatment – after doing so, you will receive an email to confirm your booking. If you need to change or cancel your booking, please contact the hotel reception by calling +420 581 580 000, or via email at recepce@hotelperk.cz.

Our masseuse will collect you from the hotel reception – please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. The massage room is located on the hotel roof, next to the saunas and relax room. Before starting the treatment, we will ask you to complete a consent form, and provide us with any relevant health issues.