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Corporate events & conferences

We have created spaces perfect for formal or less formal events. A unique combination of a conference hall with a capacity of 85 people, a beautiful garden terrace and an outdoor bar is at your disposal. We can accommodate up to 79 people in our 34 rooms.

Private events & celebrations

Celebrating a birthday or other special occasion? You can choose from a number of spaces according to your preferences and number of people. A hall with projection technology for 50 people, outdoor terrace with a capacity of 50 people or the Perk restaurant, which is suitable for up to 80 people.


You can say your yes on our blossoming summer terrace. We can plan your wedding banquet in the hall with projection technology for 50 people, on the summer outdoor terrace with a capacity of 50 people or in the Perk restaurant, which is suitable for up to 80 people. Your wedding guests will be accommodated in 34 comfortable rooms.


For events in our hotel we can arrange all-day catering according to your wishes.