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Holba brewery excursion


        Šumperk - Hanušovice brewery Holba - Šumperk

For more than 140 years, the Holba brewery has been producing pure beer from the mountains in the beautiful surroundings of the Jeseníky Mountains, well-known at home and abroad. The experience of the brewers has been passed down from generation to generation since its founder and brewer Josef Mullschizský brewed the first batch of Hanušovice beer in December 1874. At that time, the capacity of the modern steam brewery was 22,400 hectolitres per year, which represented 40,000 buckets. Today, the brewery produces twenty times more. Although the reputation of Hanušovice beer has long since outgrown the region's borders, its strong link to the place of business is reflected not only in the name of the brewery itself, which bears the name of one of the oldest parts of Hanušovice called Holba, but also in the names of the products. An example is the brewery's flagship product - HOLBA Šerák. The popular eleven was named after the nearby peak of Hrubý Jeseník. While the height has remained the same, Holba Šerák's production exceeds 200,000 hectolitres of beer, which is more than 40 million pints.


We invite you to visit the Holba brewery in Hanušovice, one of the leading beer producers in the Czech Republic. Qualified guides will guide you on the excursion, who will explain the production of beer directly in the production premises of the brewery, where our genuine beer from the mountains is created. During the one-hour tour, you will learn why we need water, malt, hops and brewer's yeast for the production of beer, what the brewery ponds were for, and visit the brewhouse, lager cellars, filtration, and other departments of our brewery. The excursion ends with a tasting of the mountains in the premises of the visitor center.


It interestingly maps the development of brewing in Hanušovice. You will see historical exhibits - tools and equipment that were once used in beer production. You will see wooden barrels, which are the pride of the cooper's craft, old malt shovels, planers or historical tapping equipment, reminiscent of the atmosphere of former pubs.

It is possible to see the beer brewing authorisations, which are evidenced by old parchment and journeyman's certificates. In addition to the actual production of beer, the exhibition will introduce you to the raw materials necessary for the production of the golden beverage and remind you of their difficult transport in the days of horse-drawn carriages.


16 km by car


20 min. by car

40 min. by train






The activity is not suitable for wheelchair users or strollers


50.013932, 17.013034