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Bukovka lookout tower

Rock Tavern - Under the Lookout Tower - Bukovka lookout tower - Forest Balneo

At the very top of Bukové hills, at an altitude of 625 m above sea level, stands the Bukovka lookout tower. After climbing 111 steps, you will reach the viewing platform, which is located 18 meters above the ground. From the lookout tower there is a wonderful view of the Desná Valley, the Jeseníky ridge, the Rychlebská mountains and the Králické Sněžník massif. On the ground floor of the observation tower, there is a cozy shelter for tourists, which can be used to rest or hide from bad weather.


The circular educational trail is 8.5 km long and starts and ends at the Rapotín municipal office. The trail will take you to the Swedish chapel, Skalná krčma, Pěticestí and to two other stops leading to the lookout tower. On the way back, you will pass through Solitude and the forest balneo, which offers pleasant refreshment with cold water in two tubs of different depths for the feet and one special tub for the hands and forearms. You can also try walking barefoot on stones of different shapes and sizes. Information panels on the trail will introduce you to local attractions and give you instructions on Nordic Walking. The entire circuit of the educational trail is marked with a yellow tourist sign.


8,5 km


4 hours








50.013932, 17.013034