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Valentine's Day at Perk


From 5108 CZK


2 nights minimum

Book your stay

Enjoy a romantic getaway for two filled with relaxation, delicious food, sauna indulgence, and massages. Treat yourself and your loved one to sparkling wine and a sweet surprise in the form of chocolate pralines from Velké Losiny.

Package includes:

  • Accommodation for 2 persons for 2 nights (in the period 13.-16.2.2025)
  • Valentine's Day tasting menu in the Perk restaurant for 2 persons
  • Buffet breakfast
  • 2x 30-minute massage of your choice (reservation required)
  • Access to the sauna world and relaxation zone
  • Floral attention in the room
  • Box of pralines in the room
  • Bottle of prosecco in the room

Price for 2 persons for the weekend with 20% discount: 




PARK SUITE 12.296 Kč

PERK SUITE 14.216 Kč

Book a stay

Romantic Gateway with Relaxation

Enjoy a romantic getaway for two filled with relaxation, delicious food, sauna indulgence, and massages. Treat yourself and your loved one to sparkling wine and a sweet surprise in the form of chocolate pralines from Velké Losiny.

Book your package

To order, contact us on +420 733 538 082 or please fill out the form. We will then contact you.

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