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Your meeting place

Two rooms, or one large

Our two conference rooms, A and B, have the possibility of interconnection to create one large space with a capacity of up to 85 people

Both rooms are equipped with projectors, screens, and audio capabilities. All equipment, including a variety of tables and seating options, is included in the price of hire.

Conference room setup

& seating types

Room ARoom BAB
Area55 m245 m2100 m2
Height2,9 m2,9 m2,9 m


Rooms are equipped with projector, screen, sound system and air conditioning.

From the conference rooms straight to the terrace!

Right from the conference rooms you can go out onto one of our summer terraces full of greenery. Use these spaces to recharge your energy during a break in a busy meeting, to enjoy an evening with colleagues or to host a buffet or a glass of wine after a conference.

Outdoor & indoor activities

Choose from a wide range of activities and please your colleagues with an accompanying programme after a busy meeting or combine teambuilding to your liking.

Get a price offer

For a price offer, please contact us on +420 731 656 754 or fill in the form. We will contact you afterwards.

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